City of Los Altos Introduces 7-Day-a-Week Compost Distribution Program

UPDATE: The compost station pilot program has ended. It will be evaluated and potentially reinstated in Spring 2024. Comments or suggestions can be directed to For the latest updates on the compost station, please visit

Los Altos, Calif. — July 31, 2023 — The city of Los Altos is introducing an updated compost program for residents. The new compost station program begins Monday, August 7, and is located at the City Hall parking lot (1 North San Antonio Road). It will be open throughout the year, until the City distributes its annual allocation of compost. 

The new self-serve program offers increased flexibility and accessibility for participating residents: the compost bin will be open seven days a week, and is located in the middle of the Civic Center. Residents supply their own containers and gloves, and may load up to 32 gallons of compost (the equivalent of 2.5 standard kitchen garbage cans) per week. Shovels are provided. Designated parking spaces are marked directly adjacent to the compost station. 

This program is open to Los Altos residents and is not available for commercial use. Residents must complete a waiver prior to using the compost station. The waiver is available to print ahead of time on the City website. A limited number of hard copies also will be available on site, as will an on-site QR code. 

“This program works on many levels: it directly aligns with the City Council’s priority on sustainability, and it is a simple step residents can take now to help the environment,” said Sustainability Coordinator Tania Katbi. “Compost reduces the need for pesticides and fertilizers, improves the structure and health of soil, and helps soil retain moisture. The best part is this compost was produced from food scraps and yard trimmings collected in part from the green organics bins of Los Altos residents.” 

The City’s compost program formerly was located at the Municipal Service Center. That space became unavailable, which prompted the change in location. 

For more information, contact Sonia Lee at (650) 947-2611 or