What should Council's priorities be in 2019?


Each year, City Council discusses and decides upon its annual priorities at its Council Retreat. A Council priority is defined as a topic that will receive particular, unusual and significant attention during the year. The priorities for 2018 included:

  • Downtown: The City will complete the Downtown Visioning process with parallel steps to include review of allowed uses in Downtown, review of parking recommendations and evaluation of Floor Area Ratio to control density 
  • Community Center: Continue to move the Community Center project forward with a goal to have the new center built by December 2020
  • 10-year Capital Facilities and Operations, and Financial Capacity Analysis: Address facility needs over the next 10-years with an analysis of how to finance
  • Housing - Increase Housing and Affordable Housing: The City Council wants to proactively review opportunities to expand affordable housing in Los Altos
  • Traffic Safety: The City will continue to take steps to improve traffic/pedestrian and bicycle safety throughout the City with a specific focus on safe routes to schools

2019 Priorities Survey

The deadline to submit suggestions was January 16, 2019. Suggestions and feedback will be incorporated into the information that the City Council considers at its retreat on January 18 & 19, 2019.