City Hall Restroom and Lobby Renovation Project

Project ID: 
Project Category: 
Project Status: 
Project Priority: 
Health & Safety
Project Lead: 
D. Brees
Year Adopted:
Completion Date: 
August 2019

The Annual Civic Facilities Capital Improvement Program (CIP) was created to address the non-routine maintenance and improvements of civic facilities throughout the City. The FY 2018/19 budget appropriation includes a project to construct ADA improvements to the City Hall lobby and restrooms.

This project includes the demolition and renovation of three new ADA compliant toilet rooms in Los Altos City Hall. Including the installation of new finishes, fixtures and toilet accessories. The site work includes demolition of existing ramp and steps and the construction of new walking surface steps and accessible parking stalls. The lobby renovation consists of the demolition and installation of new storefront to increase the lobby area.

Project Plan