Los Altos Parks & Recreation to Distribute Age-Friendly Community Survey

Los Altos, Calif. — November 11, 2023 — Los Altos’ Parks & Recreation department is surveying residents as part of the recertification process for its Age-Friendly Community designation. Los Altos was originally awarded this designation by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2003. The survey will be administered by the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP). If recertified, Los Altos will be eligible to apply for grants to add community amenities for local seniors. 

Residents can take the survey online at www.losaltosca.gov/agefriendlysurvey, or pick up a printed questionnaire at either of the City’s two Adult 50+ Program locations (Los Altos Community Center or Grant Park). Staff will be available in the Adult 50+ Program rooms at the Los Altos Community Center to help in person. The deadline to respond to the survey is Wednesday, January 31, 2024. 

The survey will collect statistical data from area residents who are 45 years of age or older, to gather relevant information on people who are aging in place or plan to do so. To capture feedback from caregivers of aging adults in Los Altos, the survey is open to people 18 years or older. 

Survey results will serve as the basis for a needs assessment of specific items that will help our residents age in place. It will also provide staff and consultants with the necessary information to form an action plan. This action plan, in turn, is required by the WHO to consider recertification of Los Altos as an age-friendly city.  

The WHO considers eight areas of community when awarding the Age-Friendly Community designation: outdoor spaces and buildings, transportation, housing, social participation, respect and social inclusion, civic participation and employment, communication and information, and community support and health services. 

Please direct media inquiries to Public Information Officer Sonia Lee at (650) 947-2611 or slee@losaltosca.gov